Client: The Warrington Wolves Charitable Foundation
Campaign Title: "I AM: Breaking the Silence on Men's Mental Health"
Overview: The "I AM" campaign aims to shed light on the often-overlooked issue of men's mental health. By featuring real men and empowering them to share their stories, we aim to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and encourage open conversations. This creative brief outlines the key elements of our campaign strategy and how our posters will effectively address this critical issue.
Campaign Objectives:
Raise Awareness: Increase public awareness of men's mental health issues.
Reduce Stigma: Challenge and diminish the stigma associated with men seeking help for mental health problems.
Promote Offloading: Encourage men to share their emotions, struggles, and seek support from friends, family, and professionals.
Target Audience:
Men aged 18-65, with a focus on diverse backgrounds, including race, age, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation.
Friends, family members, and loved ones of these men who can offer support.
Key Message: "I AM NOT ALONE"
Creative Elements:
Visual Concept: Our campaign will feature powerful, visually striking posters showcasing real men from various walks of life. The posters will capture authentic moments of vulnerability, strength, and resilience.
Photography/Videography: Collaborate with a professional photographer/videographer to capture high-quality images and videos of the men. The imagery should evoke empathy and a sense of shared experience.
Messaging: Each poster will feature the headline "I AM" followed by a personal statement from the featured man, such as "I AM A FATHER, AND I STRUGGLE WITH ANXIETY." These statements will emphasize the humanity and diversity of men's mental health experiences.
Empowerment: Alongside each personal statement, include a call to action, encouraging men to reach out, talk to someone they trust, or seek professional help. Include contact information for mental health resources.
Distribution: Place posters in high-traffic areas like schools, community centers, workplaces, and social media platforms. Partner with local businesses and organizations to display the campaign materials.
Evaluation Metrics:
Reach: Measure the number of views, shares, and engagement on social media platforms.
Surveys and Feedback: Conduct surveys to assess changes in awareness and attitudes towards men's mental health.
Stories of Impact: Collect and share personal stories from men who were inspired by the campaign to seek help or support others.
Conclusion: The "I AM" campaign will humanize men's mental health issues, empowering men to share their stories and seek help when needed. By reducing stigma and promoting offloading, we aim to create a more compassionate and understanding society where men can openly address their mental health concerns. Together, we can make a difference and let every man know, "I AM NOT ALONE."

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